Home Insights Commercial Eyes is green through and through

Commercial Eyes is green through and through

Posted on April 29, 2014

At Commercial Eyes, we believe we have a responsibility to care for and protect the environment. We’ve been committed to improving our environmental performance for many years and are delighted that our new premises at 500 Collins Street has been designed with sustainability at the core.

Commercial Eyes has made a concerted effort over the years to minimise waste, use sustainable office products and suppliers, train our staff in good environmental practices and to continually increase our recycling endeavours. At 500 Collins Street we’ve gone even further – signing up to the environmental clause of our lease agreement of which regular waste/recycling audits by Great Forest Australia is a part.

The building features a chilled beam air conditioning system, a supply of outside air to each floor at a rate of 50% above that required by the Australian Standards to improve indoor environment quality and other features such as energy efficient T5 lighting and low volatile organic compound carpets, paints and other materials. Combined, these environmental considerations have been shown to increase productivity and reduce fatigue as well as cold and flu symptoms amongst the building’s tenants.

Solar collectors supply 25% of the buildings domestic hot water and water efficient toilets and flow restrictors reduce water consumption. Rainwater collection tanks are used for irrigation and cleaning purposes and we even have a worm farm in the basement to process food waste. In fact, the building was the first refurbishment project in Australia to receive a five star Green Star design rating from the Green Building Council of Australia.

Commercial Eyes is delighted to be on a continued journey toward increased sustainability and will continue to review and improve our endeavours.